Tuesday, December 16, 2008

High Performing Organizations

Here at Pillar Ranch, one of the services we offer is Corporate Development Workshops or Team building. Therefore, I want to do a 2 part blog post on what helps to make a team stand out and perform well. To start, let me quote an excerpt from a book I am currently reading: "Many organizations have cultures that inhibit people from really hooking up at an emotional level. These organizations do not seem to have the spirit, the commitment, and the vitality that high-performing organizations possess. Conversely, what is always true of high-performing organizations or teams is that their members have developed...bonds. These relationships form the context for achieving high performance." (taken from The Heart of the Transformational Coaching Process)
This is why Pillar Ranch offers a package that allows the team not only to work on the issues currently not making the team as cohesive and effective as it should be, but, offers quarterly follow-up sessions. The follow-ups are probably more important than the Corporate Development Workshop, because it allows that cohesive relationship to form.
Pillar Ranch designs workshops that help people see habits and styles that hinder their effectiveness both personally and professionally. Through the interaction with horses, many of these can be quickly identified.
For more information on the interactive workshops that Pillar Ranch offers, go to http://www.PillarRanch.com